On Thursday 22nd February our School Headteacher Kari Anson and Creative Consultant Harry Dawes attended The Music & Drama Education Awards 2024. We’re delighted to announce that we won Editor’s Choice for the work that takes place in The Creative Space.
The Music and Drama Education Awards celebrate the outstanding contribution made by schools, charities and other education organisations to the lives of others through the medium of drama and/or music.
We’re incredibly proud to have been recognised for the work that went into creating this wonderful space for our children. The Creative Space is the stimulus for the thematic curriculum. Each half term The Space transforms into an environment to support the theme. Each week children attend The Space and take part in a workshop. Over the course of their time at Brays children could have attended 200 different workshops
Hattie Fisk Editor of Music & Drama Magazine said:
“I have chosen to give it to The Creative Space, a multi-sensory drama studio that provides a substantive programme of immersive theatre workshops. I am thrilled at the impact that The Creative Space has had for those involved. I hope that it will inspire other projects of a similar nature.”
Harry Dawes, our Creative Consultant made this statement:
” What a fantastic achievement for everyone that has been involved in the development of The Space from the first thoughts in 2009, through the first workshops in 2010, ending up here 15 years later with a full programme of sessions running throughout the year.
Massive thanks to all the SLT for their commitment and belief in the project, to the teachers and TAs for bringing their thoughts and ideas as well as running the sessions, and to the caretakers and cleaners for fixing radiators, mopping the floor and cleaning up the endless trails of lentils and flour and leaves and sand heading off from The Space down the corridor.
And of course, all this work would be completely meaningless without the children who bring their joy, creativity and sometimes tears into the sessions. Without them we have nothing.”
Thank you everyone for your support and we look forward to continuing the amazing work that goes on in our Creative Space for years to come.