Part of the Forward Education Trust

EHCP Reviews

EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plans) are reviewed once every year.

Special Educational Needs and the Annual Review

All pupils admitted to school have an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school as a suitable placement to meet the specific needs of the child. On rare occasions, a Local Authority may ask a school to admit provisionally for assessment as part of this process. The assessment process does not mean that the child will be finally placed permanently at the school, however.

We seek to meet the special educational needs of every pupil as fully as possible, through the provision of a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum (including the National Curriculum). Each pupil has an Individual Education Plan which is reviewed on a termly basis and communicated to parents.

Because the special educational needs of a child may change, their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may become inaccurate and need amending. For this reason, the special need of every pupil is reviewed once every year in a Review Meeting.

All parents and carers are required to attend the Review Meeting which is set up to discuss their child’s placement and progress. Individual Education Plans and amendments to the Education, Health and Care Plan are also discussed and recorded at this meeting for consideration by the Local Authority. Information is then confirmed and communicated both to parents and the school by the Local Authority.

All parents and carers receive a detailed report at the end of the year in addition to the information provided by the teacher at the review meeting.


Individual Education Plans

The targets set during the Annual Review Meeting are then broken down into three smaller steps. These steps are included every term in the Individual Education Plan which builds into the larger target that was set at the Annual Review Meeting.

The Individual Education Plans include a minimum of three targets for each child. These are targets that can be applied to the many different subjects the children experience and form the basis of work undertaken in the classroom.
