We foster relationships with other schools in our Trust and across the local area and the special school community. In this way all children have an opportunity to be with other children of a similar age. Groups of our children also visit other schools for specific learning activities.
Our children have opportunities to experience a wide variety of activities which enhance their learning beyond the classroom, and this includes educational visits and sporting events.

SEND Local Offer
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
Birmingham’s local offer provides information and services for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. The Local Offer website aims to help families by gathering the information that they need to know in order to make informed choices about the support they receive.
To read the Local Offer, please view https://localofferbirmingham.co.uk.
Brays School is a special day school located in Sheldon Birmingham. All pupils currently on role have a statement of special educational needs and an Education Health and Care Plan. We offer places for children with a range of needs. These can include; physical difficulties, severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, specific communication difficulties, visual impairment, hearing impairment and multisensory impairment. Those with a combination of complex medical conditions and sensory level autism may also attend Brays School. Brays We accept pupils from neighbouring local authorities if it is deemed appropriate.
Children attending Brays School will usually require augmented and modified curriculum opportunities including an overarching mobility curriculum and a sensory experiential curriculum for our more profound learners.
Brays School underpins all of its curriculum delivery through continually developing its communication work so that pupils may access their learning in a way personalised to their needs.
Brays has a wider national remit and works with professionals across England in its varying roles – as a National Support School and a National School of Creativity. Brays staff work closely with other schools within Forward Education Trust to share good practise and develop exciting wider community opportunities for the pupils and their families.
Brays School has many accolades which we are very proud of and reflect our commitment to high quality teaching and learning, a caring and supportive learning environment for our pupils, an engaging curriculum and a community aware and pupil focused provision.
Where needed, a range of low-tech electronic aids, and computer equipment is available to facilitate communication and help pupils access the curriculum. In cases where vocalisation is difficult an electronic communication aid may be used to augment or replace speech, while difficulties in recording work may be overcome through the introduction of word processing technology. Signing and symbol systems such as Makaton may also be used where appropriate. Visual timetables and symbols support, including Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), are used to support communication for pupils with difficulties in this area.
At Brays School the Staff and Children promote and practice British Values across the curriculum and in all we do every day as part of our immersion in the principles set out in the Birmingham Curriculum Statement.