All young people who attend Brays School have an Education, Health and Care Plan. The admission of children with Education, Health and Care Plans to schools is a matter for the Local Authority who has statutory responsibility for arranging their provision. The admissions process for a special school place is via an education and health care needs assessment or through the information and evidence gathered at an annual review meeting The decision about allocation of these places is the responsibility of the statutory special education needs panel.
The progress and continued placement of children and young people at a school in the Forward Education Trust is subject to statutory Annual Review.
Should a placement be considered unsuitable for a pupil (following the admissions procedure) feedback to parents/carers will be provided by the Local Authority as to the grounds for the decision.
If the Local Authority decides not to name the school in a pupil’s EHC Plan the parents have the right to appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) and should refer directly to the Local Authority for contact details and their intention to appeal a decision.
We welcome visits to our school. Please contact out school reception to book in a Family Tour.
Telephone: 0121 743 5730
Policy: FET Admissions Policy