Part of the Forward Education Trust

Music Development Plan


Music at Brays School:

We believe Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act. It brings together intellect, and feeling and enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. As an integral part of culture, it helps pupils understand themselves and relate to others, forging important links between home, school and the wider world.

Creating a curriculum accessible to all pupils:

Explorers: take multi-sensory approach to Music, focused on engagement, preferences and musical experiences. This means that sessions for pupils focus on exploring instruments, moving to music and showing preference for sound and music.

Discoverers: experience structured, music based activities including song and instruments. The learning should be meaningful to the learner so we use familiar songs with actions and rhymes and explore tempo, dynamics and timbre.

Adventurers: Music supports children to build and perfecting their musical skills, their use of instruments and their appreciation of live and recorded music, developing their critical skills.

Learning and exploring work by other practitioners: Our Music curriculum encourages pupils to explore ideas and meaning in the world of music and musicians and enrichment through the enjoyment and appreciation of live and recorded music, we work with arts organisations to support our music delivery.
